

with Curiosity
Unsplash logo
Unsplash logo

Unsplash provides high-quality free images, but finding the right one can be time-consuming. Curiosity offers a quick way to connect your search directly with Unsplash.

How it works

How it works

Search for high-quality images directly from the Curiosity search bar using Unsplash

Access stunning visuals instantly with the Alt+Space shortcut

Seamlessly integrate Unsplash search into your workflow

How to connect

How to connect

In Curiosity, navigate to Apps and click "+"

Choose Unsplash and click Connect

Type "Unsplash" + Tab in the search bar, then enter your search query

Enhance your creative projects with Unsplash in Curiosity. Note that third-party searches like Unsplash won't appear under Apps in Curiosity. For setup instructions, refer to the Curiosity documentation.