
Your data stays safe

Curiosity keeps all your data safe on your device. We never have access to any of your files, emails or apps.

All data indexed on
your device

All your files and apps data is indexed locally on your own device, not in the cloud. We don't copy your apps and files to our servers.

Industry-standard authorization

We use OAuth 2.0, an industry-standard protocol for authentication with your apps. All traffic is directly between your device and third-party application APIs like Google, Microsoft, Slack, etc.

Encrypted and Locked

We use SSL to encrypt your data during transit. That means your data is fully encrypted while syncing. On your device, all data is kept on your users' folder, so other users will not see it.

For your eyes only

No one at Curiosity can ever see your data. It's all kept on your device and never uploaded anywhere. We're not, and will never be, in the business of aggregating or selling data.


Everything you need to know

Here you can find answers to frequently asked questions about our framework component.

Is the free plan really free?
Do you store my data on the Cloud?
App vs Workspaces?
Why do you ask for permissions?
Do you have a mobile app?
Can you see my data?
How many devices can I install the app?
What apps do you support?
Do you offer discounts for large teams?
Do you offer student discounts?
Is the free plan really free?
Do you store my data on the Cloud?
App vs Workspaces?
Why do you ask for permissions?
Do you have a mobile app?
Can you see my data?
How many devices can I install the app?
What apps do you support?
Do you offer discounts for large teams?
Do you offer student discounts?
Is the free plan really free?
Do you store my data on the Cloud?
App vs Workspaces?
Why do you ask for permissions?
Do you have a mobile app?
Can you see my data?
How many devices can I install the app?
What apps do you support?
Do you offer discounts for large teams?
Do you offer student discounts?
Is the free plan really free?
Do you store my data on the Cloud?
App vs Workspaces?
Why do you ask for permissions?
Do you have a mobile app?
Can you see my data?
How many devices can I install the app?
What apps do you support?
Do you offer discounts for large teams?
Do you offer student discounts?